• Children's

    Finding Zero: a Playful Math Story About Friendship

    Finding Zero is a playful math story about friendship, as Zero, One, and Two play hide and seek in Numberland Elementary. It explores the impact of positive friends and encourages young learners to invent creative approaches to understand mathematical concepts, making numbers come alive for ages 3-8 through vibrant visuals and playful math. This book offers a springboard for discussions on numbers’ origins and individual traits, making math relatable to children’s interests and nurturing a lifelong passion for math.
  • Children's

    Art Trouble: Art + Math = Cool Things!

    Join Ms. Dandy and her number class in a heartwarming tale of teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving as they collaborate to create a beautiful surprise for their teacher. With lessons on collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving, this book appeals to a wide range of ages and offers valuable insight into the integration of art, math, and teamwork. The story also introduces children to the creative link between numbers and shapes, making it both educational and engaging for young learners.