The Magical Adventures of Evan and Ada
In the enchanting tale, The Magical Adventures of Evan and Ada, two siblings embark on a magical journey filled with riddles, mystical beings, and a brave quest to break a curse. With the help of their friend Leo, they face the wicked Necromancer and his illusions to bring light and balance back to the world of enchantment. This captivating story celebrates the power of innocence, friendship, and unbreakable courage.$0.00$9.99 -
In the Face of Adversity
“In the Face of Adversity” is a heartwarming and inspiring story about Ayomikun, a determined high school student who overcomes bullying to pursue her dreams of becoming a scientist. With the support of her friends and teachers, Ayomikun’s journey of resilience and transformation not only changes her own life but also the entire community, reminding readers of the power of unity and standing up against discrimination.$0.00$4.99