• Horror

    The Jealousy of Jalice

    Annilasia and Delilee are the tribes’ only chance. Fighting an unknown evil, they plot against the chief. Will they unravel the mystery behind the plague or die trying? The Realms split apart, the Stones of Elation are lost, and warnings of dokojin drift among the tribes. The land and its people are corrupted, and the Sachem, chief of the Unified Tribes, is to blame. It is this conviction that drives Annilasia and Delilee to risk their lives. Afraid of the aether magic the chief wields, they devise a much more subtle scheme: kidnap his wife. In her place, Delilee will pretend to be the chieftess and spy on the Sachem. Unaware of this plot against her husband, Jalice is whisked away by Annilasia. Pleading with her captor proves futile, and she rejects Annilasia’s emphatic accusations against her husband. After all, the Sachem brought peace to the land. Yet a dangerous truth hides in Jalice’s past. As she and Annilasia flee through a forest of insidious threats, they must confront the evil plaguing the tribes and the events that unleashed it. The Jealousy of Jalice is a dark fantasy tale that will hook you and keep you rivetted to your seat from the very first page. Order your copy now and enjoy!