Edge of Time


In “Timeless Desire”, Marissa, a modern woman, is transported back in time and torn between her desire for Confederate Officer Craig Langston and her longing to return home. As she grapples with love and destiny, sinister forces threaten to intervene in this captivating tale of romance and time travel. A gripping story of an independent woman’s unexpected journey through time and the ultimate struggle between love and fate.


Jilted by her fiancé, Marissa is done with men until fate steps in and she finds that Craig Langston may be more man than she can resist.. Marissa is a high energy independent career woman of the 21st century who finds herself on a collision course with destiny when she is thrown more than 150 years into the past. Confederate Officer Dr. Craig Langston is an enticing man that any woman would long to fall in love with, and now Marissa is torn between rampant desire, for the man ignites her very soul, and a longing to return home. . Can she find it within herself to embrace a new life in the arms of her Confederate officer or will more sinister forces intervene before she can discover what may be the greatest love of all time?
