• Religion & Spirituality

    Merry Friggin’ Christmas: an Edgy Christmas Comedy

    2019 Illumination Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner! The perfect gift for that Bah-humbug! in your life!   Merry Friggin’ Christmas An Edgy Christmas Comedy  "A funny book about Christmas and a dead comedy man…" "…takes the cake as the best of the holiday season. It has charisma, a fantastic voice, and it was funny as all hell." "A fresh and funny take on the holidays…" Based on The Life of Carlton St. Michael, the NUMBER ONE TOP RATED show on the URN!  So, who is Carlton St. Michael? Carlton St. Michael is an up-and-coming atheist stand-up comic on the verge of fame and fortune. The only problem is, he’s dead. Actually, twice dead. Caught dead in Jersey. Twice. And, his life story has become the number one top-rated show on the Undying Rerun Network (URN).  A Christmas Comedy, of all things. But Carlton isn’t buying any of it. He’s out to prove it’s all some near-death hallucination that will fade to black when he really dies, or vanish when he awakes.  So, are you dying to see how this story turns out? Well, that’s the only way to see it on the URN. You have to die first. But Carlton has written it all down for you, so you can enjoy it without venturing beyond the veil.  Even if you are dying to enjoy Carlton’s story, you need not go that far. You can get the EBook, NOW! Warning: Merry Friggin’ Christmas is a Christmas Comedy for Adults and is too edgy for children under age 13. Check out some reviews from some imaginary people: "This book surprised me. I kept thinking I knew where it was going, and it ended up somewhere else. I wish I did not have to be dead to see it on the URN." Misty Fication "I bought this book because there are elves on the cover. I love elves. The book was so good that I didn’t even realize there were no elves in the story until the end, and it didn’t matter to me at all." Sylvaniel the Elven Princess "I can’t tell you why I loved this book without spoiling the ending. So, let’s just say that I loved it, because of the ending." John Q. Endingliker Get It Now! Did you know that if you give a friend the paperback version from Amazon.com, with Kindle Matchbook, you get the Kindle EBook for FREE?  That’s right! So, get the paperback for a friend, and read the EBook yourself! If you don’t see the paperback link, click on "See all 3 formats and editions". So, Get the Paperback for that Bah-humbug and keep the EBook for yourself! Maybe you don’t want to spend so much?   Did you know your can give an Kindle EBook as a gift? Just click the "Buy for others" button. For less than the price of a greeting card, you can wish all your friends a Merry Friggin’ Christmas. Give them a whole book, not just a card! The link will never expire!  And, it can be easily replaced if somehow in all the Merry Friggin’ Christmasing, the email gets mysteriously deleted by the Grinch or something.  It’s all fully tested and safe! So, give one to a friend, Today!