House of Ash and Shadow
“House of Ash and Shadow” is a captivating romantic fantasy that follows Fallon Bane, a girl burdened with a devastating curse. As she embarks on a perilous journey to save her father, she discovers a world of dazzling fae magic, dark powers, and the possibility of love with a handsome healer. This unputdownable novel is perfect for fans of magical boarding schools and romantic pining like Holly Black and Sarah J. Maas.$0.00$3.99 -
Logan: Dragons and Druids Prequel
For years he’s been the last dragon shifter alive, the only one keeping humanity from mass extinction. Until now. The female dragon shifter from his dreams. She’s real. But he won’t see an end to his loneliness unless he can keep her alive. *This is a 10K word short story which precedes book one, Skyborn.$0.00$0.99