• Religion & Spirituality

    The Sanctuary of Self (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions)

    What could be more essential than the discovery and analysis of self, the composite of that consciousness which constitutes one’s whole being? This book of sound logic presents revealingly and in entirety the four phases of human living: The Mysteries, The Technique, The Pitfalls, and Attainment. Do you not, at times, entertain the question as to whether you are living your life to your best advantage? You may find an answer in some of the 23 chapters, presented under headings such as: Causality and Karma, The Lost Word, Death—The Law of Change, Love and Desire, Nature of Dreams, Prediction, Mastership and Perfection. Consider “Love and Desire.” In much of ancient and modern literature, as well as in the
many and various preachments of the present-day world, LOVE is proclaimed as the solution to all human conflict. Do you understand truly the meaning of absolute love? Do you know that there are various loves and that some of the so-called loves are dangerous drives? 
Written authoritatively by Ralph M. Lewis, former Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) is of particular value as a text for teachers and students of metaphysics, including philosophy and psychology. Read more
  • Religion & Spirituality

    Mental Alchemy (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions)

    We can transmute our problems to workable solutions through mental alchemy. While this process is neither easy nor instantaneously effective, eventually the serious person will be rewarded. Certain aspects of our lives can be altered to make them more compatible with our goals. Use this book to alter the direction of your life through proper thought and an understanding of practical mystical philosophy.
  • Religion & Spirituality

    The Conscious Interlude (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions)

    With clarity of expression and insightful penetration of thought, this original philosopher leads us to contemplate such subjects as: the Fourth Dimension, the Mysteries of Time and Space, the Illusions of Law and Order, and many others of similar import. As you follow the author through the pages into broad universal concepts, your mind too will feel its release into an expanding consciousness.