Hola Bacteria – Hello Bacteria: Version Bilingue Espanol/ingles
LIBRO 1 de la serie bilingüe MAMI NATURALEZA Atrévete a mirar por el microscopio donde encontrarás, allí abajo, un mundo de formas diminutas, colores fantásticos y amiguitos que quieren saludarte. ¿Quienes son estas bacterias? ¿Donde viven? ¿Qué hacen en su tiempo libre? Hola bacteria es para niños pequeños que les desborda la curiosidad. Dan sus primeros conceptos sobre las bacterias – un tema muy interesante para los más pequeños y rara vez tratado en libros de edades tempranas. Que aprendemos: La idea del microscopio Porque debemos de lavarnos las manos Unas formas básicas de las bacterias Algunos de sus hábitats IDIOMA: español/inglés (Disponible también versiónes inglés en verso y español en verso) NIVEL: Infantil a 10 años. Buen libro de apoyo para el apredizaje de idiomas inglés o español. La serie bilingüe MAMI NATURALEZA Nutriendo el deseo de aprender Libros de la serie: Libro 1: Hola bacteria – Hello Bacteria Libro 2: La abeja y la flor – The Bee and the Flower Libro 3: Semillas viajeras – Travelling Seeds Cada libro de la serie es una clase en miniatura sobre la naturaleza. Usando textos simples en español e inglés fomentan el bilingüismo desde edades tempranas mostrando a la vez imágenes e ideas sobre el mundo natural. Están ilustrados para tener la máxima vitalidad e impacto visual, conectar con el intelecto infantil y promover la curiosidad y la participación. Estos libros van dirigidos a niños pequeños quienes pueden leerlos acompañados y a niños mas grandes que quieren explorarlos por si solos. Each book in the series is a mini nature lesson. Using simple texts in Spanish and English they encourage bilingualism from an early age, at the same time showing images and ideas of the natural world. They are illustrated for maximum visual impact, to appeal to the child’s intellect and promote curiosity and participation. These books are intended to be read to and with young children and by older children who can explore them for themselves. Read more$0.00$8.99 -
The Clean Green Dragon
So, there was this dragon. Yeah, he was mighty, with all the power of the sun and the earth at his wingtips but he was also a little lazy. One day, an annoying problem washed up on his doorstep. Well no, it was more than annoying, it was downright disgusting. The question is would he get off his scaly butt and do something about it? A fun tale that tells us to look over our shoulder every once in a while to check if we are leaving this planet better or worse than we found it. From the author: “I was trying to write a legend. As if once there was a planet with an environmental problem and this is how it was solved, and now it is just a story that we tell to our children, like :”children used to sweep chimneys for a job and we used to throw rubbish in the sea, but then we stopped because it was dumb”. I wrote a fun simplistic story about our responsibilities to the environment, specifically about single-use plastics (one of our most ridiculous inventions ever) and how our oceans are expected to wash it all away. ” Rebecca Bielawski Read more$0.00$8.99 -
Alphabeti-cool: Children’s painted ABC book
ABCDEFG so many letters on the alphabet tree. HIJKLMNOP spell all the words for the things we see. QRSTUV, W’s a tricky one, then XY and Z ! Captivate and cultivate the imagination while teaching the letters from A to Z. Curious kids can take a trip through the alphabet stopping to see amazing asteroids and big-bellied bats, to row down a rainbow river and meet a yellow yak along the way! A great tool to teach the alphabet at home or in the classroom. Full page, colour pictures where all letters appear in upper and lower case with a fun example of both, easy to remember and identify. ABCs have never been so fun and interesting. WORDS: 105PAGES: 28LEVEL: Toddler, Pre-school, Primary School$0.00$8.99 -
Bees Like Flowers: a free childrens book (Mummy Nature 2)
BOOK 2 in the MUMMY NATURE series of children’s books. Watch our happy, helpful friend the Honey Bee, always so busy and buzzy and find out why bees and flowers are such good friends. Illustrations using vivid colours include many real flower species which children may recognise from their garden or have seen growing in the wild, 3 of them are named at the end of the book too. The narrator shows us what these fascinating bugs have been getting up to in her garden. What we can learn: concepts: Simple ideas about the life of a bee Bees are insects Some common flowers: Daisy, Poppy, Sunflower new words: Insect, Pollen, Nectar, Hive, Honeycomb, Blossoms PAGES: 26WORDS: 262LEVEL: Preschool to 6yrs Other books in the series: Meet Bacteria! Travelling Seeds MUMMY NATURE series – nurturing children’s curiosity Each book in the series is one mini nature lesson wrapped up in colour and rhyme. These books are intended for very young children including toddlers and will give them just a glimpse into some of the wonders of the natural world. Illustrated for maximum vibrancy and visual impact, using rhyme to engage young minds and encourage participation. Read the rhymes to your children and soon they will be reading them to you! The narrator is a small child and keen observer who tells us in short rhyming phrases everything she thinks we should know, and all about the magical things she sees around her. Sometimes she is camouflaged in the long grass and other times she has to climb a tree to get a better look. tags: free educational books for kindle, kids books, free kids books, books for kids, books for children, free kids books for kindle, childrens books,stories for kids, early reader, kindle unlimited books for kids, bedtime storybook collection, kids stories, bedtime stories for children, free childrens books, children’s books, kids ebooks, kids book about animals, elementary, book, kindle book, kindle childrens ebook, kindle unlimited, kindle unlimited books for kids, kindle unlimited books for children, beginning reader, free ebooks, ebooks free, preschool, ages 3-5, ages 6-8, beginner reading, kids stories, children stories, childrens books for kindle free, childrens books ages 4-8, childrens nature books, kids nature, free animal books for kids, free childrens books ages 2-4, free kindle kids books, kindle kids edition, kindle kids bundle, kids series book, kids box set$0.00$2.99