• Crafts, Hobbies & Home

    Posters of Aviation and Early Flight

    With 600 beautiful posters, this book is sure to appeal to aviation enthusiast as well as poster aficionados. This book provides a brief history of the lithograph and the early days of flight and aviation. The posters within this book will provide the reader with a comprehensive review of the best aviation posters from 1884 until 1949. This was a period in which some of the most interesting aircraft in the world were produced. And during this period, many of the best artist were creating incredible posters to advertise aviation events and achievements. This book contains posters with various artistic styles such as Art Nouveau and Art Deco. With many of the images, there is brief summary about the history of aviation, locations of major events, and the early pioneers of aircraft. The reader will find this book to be informative with an incredible collection of beautiful, vintage aircraft photos. Read more