• Horror

    Green Grow the Rashes and Other Stories

    Discover the enchanting world of the author through seven previously published short stories that feature an eclectic mix of magic, monsters, history, and more. Experience the thrill of Scotland, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror all in one captivating collection.
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

    Deal or No Deal: a Case from the Midnight Eye Files

    Three beers and a packet of crisps is a tempting offer for your soul when you don’t really believe you have one. But when it comes time to pay up, suddenly it doesn’t seem like such a sweet deal. You’re going to need help, but who are you going to call? There’s one man who might help, a man who knows the nature of deals with the dark side, and the ways of the old city. Derek Adams, the Midnight Eye, is on the case… Deal or No Deal? is a case from William Meikle’s gripping urban fantasy/noir detective series, The Midnight Eye Files. The mysteries continue in volume one: The Amulet. Praise for the Midnight Eye Files "Meikle’s writing makes you feel like you’re there, in the rain with Derek Adams, searching seedy pawn shops and bars for the answers. The atmosphere is terrific, and the author knows that sometimes less is more." – The Lovecraft ezine "I encourage you to pour yourself a couple of fingers of whisky and visit Meikle’s and Derek’s Glasgow some evening as the shadows grow long." – New Pulp "The writing itself is crisp, filled with good description and strong dialogue. The Scottish setting, while not prominent, grounds the reader in a sense of place. The characters, while themselves variations on noir tropes, are beleivable, and more importantly, likable. All of this, taken together, makes for a smooth, enjoyable read." – Rich Ristow, Strange Latitudes "A loving romp in and out of both the Lovecraft Mythos and the noir detective novel.". – Bill Gagliani, Chizine