What happens when a 10-year-old alien with super powers arrives on Earth ready to help save the world from environmental disasters?
He lands in a prickly tree, is confronted by vicious hyenas, chased by a wild bear and falls in love with an Earthling. But that doesn’t stop Andie the adventurous alien from helping his new buddy Rino, (Ryan) to help make the world a better place to live in.
Readers might already know Rino from the ‘Game on Boys’ series. Somehow Andy the alien has found himself in Rino’s world of PlayStation and video games in this spin-off series from ‘Game on Boys’.
The ‘Andy the Alien’ series teaches children about the world and its environment, what climate change is and how greenhouse gases affect the way we live. It looks at the 3 R’s of recycling; ‘Reduce’, ‘Reuse’ and ‘Recycle’ all through the fictional adventures of Andy and his mission to save Earth.
In the first of the series ‘Water Warriors’, Andy tries to teach Ryan how to save water and how to reuse it, with hilarious consequences.
The book comes complete with educational questions and answers to check their knowledge at the end, as well as funny environmental jokes to finish on a lighter note.
Book 2 and book 3 look at Andie’s exploits as he teaches Ryan about waste and electricity use.
If you would like to read more about Ryan and his PlayStation gang for some very funny entertainment about gaming, with lots of life lessons and important messages, go to the Game on Boys series. Book one and four are always free. So give it a try.